Biodiversity of the Grensmaas
Maastricht and Wageningen University will focus on the biodiversity and ecological processes in the terrestrial and aquatic habitats of the Grensmaas. We will invite students to join us in short and longer research projects, fieldwork and in creating a herbarium of the area.
Aquatic biodiversity
.The Grensmaas is a very dynamic area with tributaries, side arms, lakes, winter-, and summer bed. Many areas underwent big remodelling with the aim of renaturalizing the river and bring back species, which are characteristic for fast flowing gravel rivers. In official reports it was found, that fish and terrestrial developments are positive, but typical macro- invertebrate species are still rare or missing. The macro-invertebrate community of an area is representative for its ecological state and missing groups are normally a bad sign. We want to investigate, what the species pool is for the Grensmaas and why it is lacking behind the other ecological developments. Our students are collecting valuable ecological and methodological insights.